Fellowship Bible Baptist Church Logo

Our Team

Gary and Vickie Picture

Pastor Gary Jones and His Wife Vickie

Pastor Gary Jones has been at FBBC since 1999. He graduated from Piedmont Bible College in 1987 with a Bachelors in theology. He has a passion to see the lost saved, preach the Bible in a way that all ages can understand, and has a pastors heart for the church and community.

Our pastor is one of a kind! Although he has a quiet personality, he enjoys making jokes and laughing! Fun fact! Our pastor and his wife went on a trip to Israel in January of 2023! He also loves German Shepherds and his favorite verses are Proverbs 3:5-6!

Tabatha Picture

Mrs. Tabatha

Mrs. Tabatha is the teacher of "Children's Church"! This class meets during the ten o'clock worship service. They are currently studying through the New Testament! They often have activities such as singing, prayer time, crafts, Justin & Jesse stories, playing games, coloring and activity sheets. Fun Fact! Mrs. Tabatha's favorite vacation spot is in Florida!

Carolyn Picture

Mrs. Carolyn

Mrs. Carolyn is the teacher of the "Junior Fellowshipers Sunday School Class"! This class is for elementary ages. They study children's Bible lessons using picture cards to bring the bible to life! This helps the children in her class visuallize Bible truths. Fun fact! Mrs.Carolyn's favorite fast food is Chick-fil-a!

Justin Picture

Mr. Justin

Mr. Justin is our youth leader! He teaches both "Teen / Young Adult Sunday School" and "TRAC Club" ( Teens Redeemed And Called). His Sunday School class is studying a series of lessons entitled "Things you didn't learn in Sunday School". Fun fact! He has an identical twin and tells "great" dad jokes!

Doug Picture

Bro. Doug

Bro. Doug has been a faithful teacher of the Bible for many years. He graduated from Piedmont Bible College and has a wonderful knowledge of the Bible. Brother Doug leads our Adult Sunday School class. Recently, the class finished an extensive study of Revelation and are now studying Exodus.